(below) Aaron feeding Hadley (he even changed a very challenging diaper!) They totally bonded, especially after he babysat her while Linds and I took the Jeep to watch "Hairspray" Friday night! She went easy on him and slept the whole time.
Welcome to our blog! We hope you find this is a great place to see what is amusing and inspiring us day to day. More than anything it is a lazy person's scrapbook and sort of gratuity journal for our family to flip back and enjoy our many blessings. Also a great way to waste time at work. Enjoy! We love to read your comments!
(below) Aaron feeding Hadley (he even changed a very challenging diaper!) They totally bonded, especially after he babysat her while Linds and I took the Jeep to watch "Hairspray" Friday night! She went easy on him and slept the whole time.
I'm proud to say the entry way is mostly flea market, Target, and ebay finds ecept for the pottery which Aaron bought me for a birthday one year. The prints are from the Atlanta flea market and I didn't post them with our finds last month because I actually begged my mom to buy them for HER house! They were probably the best deal to date and she made the mistake of leaving them at my house for safe keeping until she could get them back to Kentucky! Ha! Thanks for letting me "borrow" them mom. She approved when she came to visit.
This vignette in the foyer is all Target (lamp on clearance!) and flea market as well. The reason I did not feature more of the table itself is because it is a $15 double filing cabinet for which we are going to make a fabric skirt so that I can file things as I come into the house instead of pile everything at the stairs. Works pretty well and keeps my work stuff out of our way.
Mick also painted our master bedroom so we will post that soon!
Dad enjoyed Aaron's hammock in a big way. He and Izzy (see bottom corner) snuggled in it and took mid-morning catnaps. Fitzi, who looks huge for some reason in this picture (the camera adds 10 pounds to everyone I guess) wanted to participate, too. The dogs love having their grandparents in town.