Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Kentucky Weekend

A couple of weeks ago Aaron managed to land a couple of tickets to the sold out concert of "The Killers". Woo Hoo!!! Only problem was that they were in Louisville, KY so we decided to plan a last minute trip to see my parents in Lexington for several days and drive the hour and half to see them. It was such a great weekend. We ate well, went to see 3:10 Yuma at the movies, enjoyed some antique shopping, and explored the river behind my parents house. We also enjoyed their beautiful rain since we haven't been able to get any in NC. Gotta have something to keep the Blue Grass state.....uh, blue?

Here we are at the concert. The locale couldn't have been better to see this band. The theater was this cool, gothic, deco place that was small enough to really enjoy them even with though we had possibly the worst seats in the house. The show was AWESOME!!! Aside from the person screaming like a little girl in my ear (okay, she was a little girl) we couldn't have enjoyed it more. If you're not familiar with The Killers, they have been called "the best British band to come out of the United States" because everyone thinks they are British. But they're from Vegas. As you could tell from the stage set up. The lead singer also plays the keyboard and has it displayed in front with antlers, artificial flowers, and Christmas lights all over it.

In a more natural is Aaron kayaking behind my parent's house. We had no idea that the river was as large as it was and so gorgeous! This was the pup's first voyage and they were great. They just folded their paws over the side and looked around all alert and cute. We'll have to get them little life jackets.

Labor Day Weekend

My favorite garden at Sarah Duke is the White Garden. The garden is mostly foliage and white blooms but this time of year the water lillies and lotus are blooming and the colors are spectacular!! The turtles rest on the lily pads and the blooms are so intense. As you can see there were many people out photographing this gorgeous time. The roses were also in peak form.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday, Jacob!

Love the Mommy tattoo shirt.......

It took him a couple of bites but he decided he liked this cake thing! Look out, Jake. Some of us never got over our first bite of icing!

These pictures are so deceiving because he is ridiculously mobile right now. He runs around, pushes his stroller around and tries to escape his "corral" in the living room and succeeds much of the time. It was so much fun to see how big he's gotten!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Summer Blooms
Double Blooming Tiger Lily.......
Pineapple Lily.......

This is a citrona daylilly that smells like citrus and blooms in the evening. Behind it is a bright blue salvia that the hummingbirds love. Aaron's hammock sits right here and the hummingbirds will be so close to your face that you can really see what they are doing. Its so amazing to watch.
We've also enjoyed growing mint and basil this year. The neighborhood has had a great time making mojitos, tequila punch, and Julie's watermelon granita with the mint. We've put basil in pasta salad and Italian dishes. Also good on a turkey sandwich. My only complaint about summer ending: I miss fresh herbs in the winter.
Asheville Trip

There is a very cool import store in Asheville. The owner makes several trips to India and Europe every year. Tough job. He revealed that he had a warehouse close to the store with all of the things he keeps on hand for stock and let us go though it! Yippee! He has some amazing things. It was hot but a lot of fun to poke through his treasures.

Oops. A Picture of our backyard. You can see the finished pergola in the background. Just kidding. Ours is a little more basic than that. This part of the public garden is made to look like a quilt. Very pretty from an aerial view. One of our favorites to visit.

Eureka! My cupcake radar went off and we found a cupcake shop with a hilarious shopkeeper downtown Asheville. I tried the boston cream pie cupcake and Aaron got the raspberry filled chocolate. As you can see he is wearing part of it on his nose. He loves it when I take pictures of him eating.
We finished off with the rafting trip. Didn't get pics of it this time but we're going back in a couple of weeks with my parents so we'll be sure to post those. The cold river was so refreshing on a hot day and we finally got some long sleeve weather on the way up in the Jeep!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Aaron's Birthday Weekend

Here is Chef Raymeaux working the dough. Interesting guy. He actually got his Ph.D from the Univeristy of Oklahoma! Small world. He was a professor for a while then decided to start cooking. He also does a dinner class on Tuesday nights. We're going to get our friends to attend with us.

The finished product. Don't inhale! Takes us back to our week in New Orleans the spring before the hurricane. We enjoyed these at Cafe Dumonde along with the other tourists. It is customary to have 2 breakfasts in New Orleans (my kind of town!). Beignets and coffee early and then a "jazz breakfast" later. The cafe au lait was really good. I don't normally drink coffee so I was apprehensive that I would like it but I loved it. Of course you need to use the antique french drip pot he has and great chicory coffee poured simultaneously with hot milk.
The birthday boy enjoying a hot beignet.
We (myself and our friends) took the birthday boy downtown to 42nd Street Oyster Bar to enjoy some crab and cocktails. I have a new favorite drink - the Jessie's girl. Sooo good. However,Julie and I were disappointed in the Pearis Hilton. Go figure.
Planting a smooch on an unsuspecting Jeff seems like a good idea until you remember your friend has a blog! Ha! Don't worry - I'll put up unflattering pictures of myself, too (see above beignet picture)!

Todd and Kevin enjoying some cocktails at the bar.