Blabla sock animals

Steal of a crib similar to high dollar modern crib I loved. This is not the bedding we're using. Unsure of that at this time.

Already purchased antique teak bench

The nursery is far from done but we do have some pieces assembled. Here are some inspiration pieces we are using for sure or just using to inspire the look. We'll be using turquoise, green, and orange as most of the color and the vintage pull down map pictured is similar to the one we are using as "art" off of ebay. This has been somewhat of a challenge for me as I am not liking most children's furniture and I promise that there will be some functional pieces in there! We're kind of doing it intuitively by what we like and think our son would like until he has his own opinion. Then bring on the Cheryl Tiegs posters and lava lamps! Just kidding. Keep you posted!