Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Soggy Cinco de Mayo

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo last weekend and unfortunately the weather did not cooperate so we were forced to fiesta inside but as you can tell it didn't dampen our spirits. Aaron andI grilled chicken quesadillas and made pina coladas and margaritas for everyone. We also made everyone Spanish name tags in case you were wondering why everyone is wearing starbursts. Todd (Dogberto) and Kevin (Roberto) are in top pic (Todd is the one in sombrero - he wears this all the time!) Harrison (Javier) was patient as usual while we posed him just to crack ourselves up. He also looks cute wearing a baby toupee of Julie's (Shakira's) hair and breakdancing. Not sure what Richard (Ricard0) was doing in above pic but it cracked me up so it goes in (sorry, Ricardo!). We absolutely love having friends so close who are so much fun to hang out with. It is also important that our friends like Mexican food since we get together for Mexican food every Wednesday night! What awesome neighbors! If anyone else wants to be our neighbor the houses on either side of us are for sale! I hope it wasn't something we said!

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