This weekend was a testament to how blessed we are with great friends. We are fortunate enough to have great friends all over the map and so lucky to have some right in our own neighborhood. Saturday Richard and Dewayne helped Aaron install hardwood floors in our guest room. Needless to say this was a time consuming project. I know how much I love my Saturdays and getting a break from work so to have 2 people donate so much of their precious free time to pitch in and help was just amazing. Aaron now has a new skill and we have lovely, clean floors. Not to mention the value they add to our house. Without their knowledge, we probably would not have gotten around to it on our own. Here are some action shots. Lucky for me I am too large to be anything but in the way at this point so I just cleaned out the fridge and freezer (nesting again).

Then Sunday night Jeff, Julie, Richard, and Dewayne threw us a neighborhood shower which was perfect in every way. The food was incredible - everyone had been cooking all weekend for it. Richard made blue cheese ranch burgers, cheddar bacon burgers, and incredible baked beans with creamy deviled eggs. Julie made her excellent guacamole (seriously good), her mom's potato salad and another one of her oh-so-professional cakes. Aaron was in charge of drinks as usual and made yummy Sunshine Punch with fresh mint, mangos, pineapple and citrus. Cucumber sandwiches and crudite?? Pulleez!! This is my idea of baby shower food! Do these people know us or what?
Aaron modeling his carrier that his mom got us (plus my childhood teddy bear). We love it. Its very modern and comfortable and Aaron has secretly always wanted a pouch. Soon he'll have something to put in one!

Harrison playing with Bourdreaux Butt Paste and a travel size bottle of vodka that he loves to carry around. The butt paste was part of Jeff and Julie's present. We probably need the bottle of vodka as well for those first few crazy weeks with the baby!

Me trying to figure out how Aaron worked the carrier. Richard about choked on his punch when I pulled Teddy Bear out by the ear. Probably what NOT to do. Those parenting classes might not have been as successful as we thought.

Harrison hitting the bottle.
Thanks again guys for everything! We are really touched by your thoughtfulness time and time again. Its so neat for us to think our little one will have such a great family unit so close to home as well as a little play mate!
We can't wait to meet Gus! We are so excited for you guys and were so happy to be able to have the shower for you!
You guys are the best. I've had fun putting all of the items away and knowing I crossed them off my "get ASAP" list. Thanks also for the hand me downs and advice. Indispensable!
What a fun shower!!!! I'm glad you got the sling and like it. I can't wait to see Gus tucked nicely in it:)
Absolutely love the sling. The fabric is so cool. I have tried it on several times. It will get much blog time.
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