One week to go and the doc didn't want me working this week since I have an active job and its quite hot here so she told me to take it easy. Twist my arm, doc. Actually, it has been harder than I thought it would be tapering down my responsibilities as the day draws near. I stopped going to my furthest destination last week and it drives me a little nuts not to have my finger on the pulse of my territory for 8 weeks. But this is Day One of no work and as of today, I am good. As you can see the dogs are using this as an excuse to spend quality time with me and I am listening to XM radio online, reading magazines, and blogging (okay, and doing some work via the computer). Aaron also put Gus' camo overalls on Teddy to entertain me. It worked. Keep you posted.
Love the updates and new blog name -- I have to get Matthew to change ours every so often, too. It was too quirky, then too boring, and now I want something in the middle... never content with the status quo! :-)
I know 'laying low' will be nice at first and then a hassle, but hang in there. I loved taking May as my sabbatical. If only it could've been even longer... my new job search continues. Just one lead for a job in the 'burbs, and I'm a city-girl ya know.
Can't wait to see you next update round...keep 'em coming.
More later, likely via phone, -S
I didn't know you guys had a blog! Pass on the name for us to check out!Hope you're well. I'm sure we'll have news for you very soon.
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