Tuesday, September 9, 2008

August in Bed

We have a little routine in the house now. Gus is sleeping 6 hours at a time, nurses, then sleeps 3 hours more. It is so wonderful to get that much sleep for new parents. However, since we usually put him to sleep several hours before we actually go down, we are still sleepy in the morning when he is ready to join the party. So we drag him in bed with us to snuggle. He usually plays quietly while we get a few more minutes of shut eye. He seems to really enjoy the arrangement. We sure do!


Anonymous said...

Stacy and Aaron,
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I want to kiss his cutie-patootie little face. He is so adorable..Your blog is wonderful and I was laughing through most of it because I know your personality and I can just hear you saying these words out loud.
Brenden and I both went through all the pictures together and we are just delighted for the both of you..wait, the three of you!
Brenden and Christy
I will show Miss Kit your pic's when she gets back from Granny Mary's.

Seasonal Learner said...

Now that is a good arrangement. I'm glad he's such a good sleeper and mild mannered little guy. He is so adorable!