I so love having a cutting garden! We have a few lillies around here but Aaron has the real show stoppers at the college where there is much more room. Here are a few more snips of his gorgeous roses and some wild goldenrod, which I have always loved this time of year. In the bowl are some trifoliate oranges and a beautiful blue-tinged pine cone.

I'm so jealous. We found a nursery way out in Broken Arrow that has resonable prices. My goal is to landscape, get a swing set that looks nice, and plant a cutting garden in the spring. Maybe too lofty, but I think we're going to hire a high school guy from our churhc to help us dig.....
Take it in chunks. A cutting garden doesn't have to be hard because since you cut the flowers it doesn't have to be a perfectly arranged bed. Some things are really simple to plant like sunflower seeds, tulip bulbs (plant now), then add to it the following year. You can do a little at a time. Its worth it. You'll love it.
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