The sound of: Merle Haggard crooning country as we grilled steaks on the patio under our globe lights; birds chirping in the morning - gotta love Spring!
The sight of: My happy patio containers we planted last weekend - a mix of viola, golden moneywort, heuchera, golden oregano, golden spiderwort and grasses; the turquoise blue egg laying in the pot of our topiaries under a watchful mother bird busy incubating her tiny hatchlings
The smell of: Baby Gus fresh from a bath with daddy
The taste of: Aaron's yummy steaks. Mmmm.
The thought of: a close friend of mine becoming a mom this year. Makes me smile.
The act of: finally committing to a new project. I ordered lots of happy fabric swatches pre-cut in 5 inch squares for me to hand sew a baby quilt. This one is for practice. My goal is to make one out of squares of Gus' favorite first year onesies.
That is a gorgeous photo...where's it from? Did you take it? Very nice. :-)
We're loving our patio as well, and although our plants are less exotic, I've heard that a banana tree is on it's way to Harvey Street! Thanks in advance for that -- we've got just the spot for it.
I love spring here -- why can't it last year 'round? It's sooooo good here!
Keep up the great weekend format blog postings...love it.
Cheers, -Sunny
Isn't it pretty? I wish I could take credit. I just see these pics from time to time and steal them. Glad you like the weekend posts. Helps me pay attention to these weekends that go waaay to fast.
What an awesome idea - a quilt out of Gus' onesies! Can't wait to see it!
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