The sight of: my little toddler boy crawling like a pro across the floor. He has been able to clear the floor for a little while and we weren't sure how even watching him. Now he has an actual bonafide crawl and he was so proud he joined us in applauding himself afterward.
The smell of: toasting pecans and maple syrup when....
The taste of: Aaron made pecan waffles with real Vermont Maple Syrup a friend brought him from her parent's farm in Vermont. Wow. He made us a batch about 11pm Friday night and they were unbelievable. There really is a HUGE difference when using the real deal syrup. We're rationing this stuff.
The thought of: making the darling teddy bear bed above for my boy one day with little crocheted afghan for him. So cute.
The act of: completing the hand-piecing part of my first quilt (baby quilt - don't get too impressed!). That was the fun part although still rewarding. Now I have to baste it to the fluffy inside and backing before actually quilting it in a big hoop. Sounds like much more work. Maybe this is why most people use a machine!
I had to do a quilt for my final project in college.. I loved doing what you just did, but the basting and quilting was not my cup of tea.. good luck. Im sure you will do well.
Aww, yeah, real New England maple is the best. (VT or NH, which is just as good and to me, more plentiful as I race triathlons up in NH and they often give NH maple syrup prizes.) I'll bring you a bottle next trip, OK!
I hope you keep having wonderful weekend brunches all summer long. Enjoy the yard, kiddo, and long days.
Love, -Sunessa
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