We can blame the talking cookie monster he got for Christmas or we can blame ourselves. Gus loves cookies. I think it really started at Mimi's when he got his first taste of oatmeal cookies. He kept going back to where he saw us get them on the counter and pointing and grunting and if he won he would do a victory dance.
Now he knows where we keep his favorite snacks - in our pantry. He dances around it and points and grunts and if that doesn't work he actually grabs me by pants or robe and leads me to it, giggling like "I can't believe you're making me do this".
I think it is hereditary!
How do you spell Hereditary?
With cats it's always NOM NOM NOM. I guess little HUMans prefer the Num, Num, Num expression...adorable. We love cookies here as well, and fig bars, too!
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