Hard to tell from this shot what the gender is. All you can tell is that this is one attractive baby! Ha! Baby Schettler actually made everyone work very hard not only to detect gender but also get any measurements. Thank goodness for a persistent doctor! It was in the very last minutes of the 30 + minute ultrasound that we saw signs of our baby's gender.......

Clear enough for you? For those who have not had much experience with these pics - imagine the baby is sitting on a piece of glass and you are seeing it from the rear view. For those who don't want to work that hard.....IT'S A BOY!!!
It was very cool finding out the sex of the baby at this point. After you find out your pregnant, there really isn't much else to do besides wait so it was fun to look forward to this moment. We were able to "marinate" in it all day - what a unique experience to have someone assign a gender to you to raise! No matter what they say it takes your breath away momentarily! Now we can have a playmate for Harrison and Jake!
Yay! A little boy. James will be so happy to know that he'll have another playmate:)
By the way. The husband and I think little boys are sooooooo much fun. And if you have another one he'll be a great older brother:)
We are excited, too! It just seems a lot easier - no boy troubles, boy-crazy friends, baring the midriff, cheerleading tryouts, hopefully less drama! Also just seems to suit us. We feel strangely relaxed knowing what we're having for the last couple of days!
Now you can start on that nursery!
I was so scared to have a boy, didn't know how I'd put up with all the boy type behavior. But though I do relate well with my daughter, I love my son to pieces. I could just eat him up. You'll see what I mean!
We didn't find out the sex of either of ours until the birth. We were glad to be surprised, but every couple is different and I'm glad you are happy to know now!
Yay! A fun playmate for Harrison too! We are so happy for you guys!
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