My friend, Erin, tagged me. I'll take a moment to explain this some readers (since my mom is still perplexed that she is not getting emailed about the blog posts instead of just checking it when she has time or is interested - or is bored at work like everyone else). Occasionally another blogger can "tag" you and you have to tell everyone five things about yourself that no one knows. It usually doesn't result in anything earth shattering, just funny stuff. So here goes!
1.) I once was a man. Just kidding. Erin, we have this one in common - I HATE to be hot. I'd like to hibernate in the summer. I ALWAYS sleep with a fan no matter what (many of you know this). My boss jokes that he would prefer not working with me June-September because I just gripe about how hot the car gets when we are on a sales call and take time-consuming efforts to keep this from happening like using the folding car shade, unrolling windows just so, etc. Yes, I will be hugely pregnant in July. Stop laughing. I planned it so I can stay inside the rest of July, Aug, September.
2.)I clean the living room every night before going to bed because it is the first room I see when I come downstairs and it ruins my chi to see it look like we've been robbed.
3.) Aside from my husband I think Sam Elliott is the sexiest man alive. I know he's, like, 60 or so but its true. Part of it is his voice: "Beef. Its what's for dinner". Ahhhhh.
4.) My favorite movie since I was old enough to watch them is "Urban Cowboy". This movie certainly won't win any awards for anything but bad, bad costume design but my parents can attest to me doing impersonations of Sissy when I was 5. Mortifying. (Things are starting to come clear between #3 and #4. I have definitely been influenced by my dad's penchant for westerns).
5.) I hate shopping malls and department stores. I actually only shop when I physically can't go another day without that particular article I need. The only time I enjoy it is when I am in a very cool city with things I have never seen before - one of a kind shops, truly unique home decor shops, etc. I also get annoyed when I have to spend money on shoes and jeans. You have to have both and they are expensive to get good ones. Just not rewarding to me. Good thing I don't see the same people at work everyday so I can repeat outfits a lot.
I am so glad that you repeat outfits as well. If I didn't work with the same people everyday I would do this frequently. I have to stop myself now and ask if I wore the same outfit when I see a person because I only have one pair of nice jeans that I wear all the time!
Oh yes. In fact I have one person who is totally onto me and cracks up when I see her because I always know I'm busted and say "Damn!" when I see her. She thinks its funny. And with jeans - they're so expensive who can buy an assortment?
I go through jeans like crazy. I always seem to wear a hole in the knee before the rest of them is ready to go. Some people don't mind knee holes, but they bug me. I found a nice pair of Michael Korrs at TJMaxx. They are the best fitting, most comfortable pair I own now. But I really dislike rummaging through the racks at TJMaxx and Marshalls looking for that diamond in the haystack. I don't mind, however, looking through all their Homegoods items. I'm not a big shopper either, especially now with 2 little ones in tow.
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