Some of you know this by now but I am home because I have NO VOICE!!! AT ALL!!! I've had a bad cold for several days but woke up yesterday to answer the phone and nothing came out. I've never had this happen before. Its very frustrating. If you want to irritate a sales rep to death, take away her voice. I even had to miss a big dinner program I worked really hard on last night. Sigh. This sucks. So if you are feeling bored at work email me. My emails have grown very long the last 24 hours or so because I can't do any other talking during the day.
This is the frog I picture in my throat. He looks annoying and he probably is smoking just to make sure I sound extra croaky.
Oh I am sorry that you have a frog in your throat.
Since you are bored. Have you read "Atonement". If you haven't don't or do and then discuss with me how horrible it is. I don't want to see the movie now.
So good to hear that. We have seen most movies that were nominated for things this year and just couldn't drag ourselves to see this one. No one seemed very excited about it and I think we'll skip it. Thanks for the warning. Also, reading the new Jodi Picoult book right now and its disappointing to me. Any other rec's? We are going on vacation next week so I'll need a book.
I like "Three Cups of Tea", but it is a real life story and slow at the beginning. But interesting. My favorite this year is "The Thirteenth Tale". Oh I couldn't put it down!
I've also been reading old Nancy Drew books that I got for Christmas from the husband's mom. They are from the 1920's and the descriptions are really interesting.
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