Still homebound for voice and have the opportunity to do something I have been wanting to do for a while. The above picture is just a glimpse at the generosity of our friends. In preparation for our arrival, Jeff and Julie were so sweet to lend us a TON of Harrison's baby gear. We are talking Exersaucers, Carseats, Swings, Bouncie Seats, Bathtubs, Car mirrors, Diaper Warmers, Boppie, the list goes on and on. These would have been major purchases for us and this act of kindness will save us about $1000. Not to mention it is definitely the "green" thing to do by recycling this stuff rather than buy it all new again AND we didn't have to put it together! We appreciate it so much!
Not pictured (because I am not about to become a maternity model) are the scads of maternity clothes both Julie and my friend Lindsay have loaned me. Odds are every day I am wearing something of theirs. I've gotten many compliments on how stylish I've been while pregnant and I give all credit to them. Not fun to spend tons of money on temporary clothes. This stuff is so cute I actually look forward to wearing it.
I have also really enjoyed the useful books (Sharon) and pj's (Aime) sent which have been so handy and have spoiled me so much. These things always came about the time I realized I needed to be getting them soon. The books because we know nothing at this point and the pj's because Aaron's boxers were probably never cute on me and certainly aren't with this belly.
Speaking of spoiling, Richard and Dwayne have been making sure my cravings have been met. Dwayne bought me a huge bag of Laffy Taffy (the only candy I really, really like) and Richard made sure that I had met my calcium needs for the day by bringing 3 pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream over when they knew Aaron wasn't home. Don't worry I didn't eat all 3 - we each took one although Aaron was a little concerned when he came home to find 3 empty ice cream containers in the trash.
You guys are so great! It is so touching to have this support and love all around us. Maybe it pays to be the last one to have kids - you get all of the stuff! Love you guys!
Oh most of my maternity clothes were borrowed. So nice of everyone. We got so much stuff and felt blessed. What do you want that you don't have. A fun sling perhaps? I love getting people slings.
You mean we're not done? J/K.There is no end to what is needed! We do both want a sling. Aaron is particuarly adamant about this for some reason. He's always liked the idea of having a pouch. We haven't purchased a play mat and there are many practical small items we will need. I'll have to have Julie register with me if for no other reason than to keep track of what we need and still don't have. Any advice on things you couldn't live without or things you got but could have lived without? I love asking this question.
Oh, I couldn't have lived without my sling. The baby loved it and it was so much easier to put him in the sling at Target. Those carriers are so bulky for such tiny little newborns. I like buying slings for people that want them, but some are really picky and are very anti-sling. I think they're crazy, but then again they probably had really easy baby's.
Also a fun mat with toys above. That saved us. The baby loved his dangle lion.
Another fun thing that we got as a gift is a Moses basket. That little guys slept in the basket everywhere we went (well, when he would sleep). And swaddling blankets saved us as well. Oh, so many little simple things are what we loved.
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