I feel grateful for every day but this time of year it really is nice to take count of every blessing and since we will be in the mountains in a couple of days (very grateful for that!) I thought I'd post this early. There are also work issues stressing me out right now so this will be good therapy for me to remember how blessed we are.
The Top 10:
1.) To be born in the United States - people die every day trying to get here and have it as good as we do.
2.) To be employed - many are without work and worrying about how to support their families. Even if this is a trying time, I can still earn a living.
3.) For the good health of my whole family
4.) I found my soul mate (see his birthday post for all of the reasons I am blessed!)
5.) For a sweet, funny, healthy, adorable little boy that has improved an already blessed life beyond what we could have ever hoped.
6.) For our home in a beautiful state. We feel so lucky to live here and have such a great little place in a great neighborhood with great friends and a great school for Gus.
7.) For Paid Time Off!!!
8.) For ham (not a big turkey family), dressing, green bean casserole, Sharon's stuffed mushrooms, Aaron's sweet potato casserole (this year it is sweet potato empanadas), rolls, you get the idea.
9.) For GPS to get us around rock slides.
10.) For McDonald's breakfast sandwiches - the way we start every road trip. Hey, its a treat.
Why is ir that I love McDonald breakfast so much? We start every trip that eay as well!
I think we're looking at each other's blogs at the same time! Not sure why their breakfast is so durn good. Don't want to know. If someone tries to tell me about scary food chemistry I will shake my head, hold my ears and yell "Lalalalala" so I don't hear them. Also excellent diet coke.
Love your gratitude posts, Stacey -- they are worth reading every time!
We do have so much to be grateful for...and it is good to remember those things early and often.
Love, -Sunessa
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