(Thought I'd share......Words I try to remember)
The taste of.........homemade french onion soup. Okay, I didn't love it because French onion is not my favorite but I did enjoy making it for my sweetie. Man, carmelizing an entire pot of onions requires some time and attention!
The smell of........cooking apples. Saturday was the "day of the sautee". Aaron and I have been roasting apples for several weeks now. We can do a big pot with very little sugar and cinnamon and have them throughout the week. Gus loves them.
The sight of........(1) our little boy being completely entertained by the wii. My mom had us buy one for our trip to Bryson City for Thanksgiving so we could all play it and we had to break it out early. Gus cackled as we smashed tennis balls and clapped when the audience clapped and looked at us as if it was the coolest thing he'd seen in all his 16 months.
Another sight.....we are having the most extraordinary fall. It has lasted longer than any I can remember probably due to our rotating warmth and cool days. The colors are spectacular. We have hiked every day of each weekend for several weeks. So cool to feel like you really took advantage of the season. Aaron gives Gus a branch to wave in each hand while he rides on his back.
The sound of.......Aaron humored me and played "Don't Shoot Me Santa Claus" by the Killers - the closest thing he wants to get to Christmas carols until Dec 1.
The thought of.....the mountains!!!! Cannot get there quickly enough. We need this trip in a major way and we can't wait to see Gus with his cousin Jake.
Cooking apples are the best! I should do a big pot.
Have a good Thanksgiving! It sounds like it will be fun!
French onion!! I've only made it twice in my life, I have a great resturant to run to when the urge strikes.
I enjoyed my Fall in deer camp, to sit for several hours and just notice and listen, good for the soul. Kiss my boys for me! Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
We are sitting here looking at your child. Enjoyed the video. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
Jana, Judy, Keith, Jordan, Burkie, Mom
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