The good thing about January is the sales. Pottery Barn finally put my silk drapes on sale and Aaron was good enough to hang them. Beautiful Oxblood color. The dining room is a hard one to photograph because of size and the colors don't photo well. Notice the lack of crown moulding. Guess what project needs to be next?
Can you believe I am showing the inside of one of our pantries? Had to because we have been meaning to install this extra organizer on back of door JUST FOR AARON'S BEVERAGES!!! What use is having a second pantry if it is filled with drinks? Aside from one can of condensed milk, this is all beers, random nectars and things like coconut water and ginger ale. He has been confined to this one area before buying more.
I'll spare you pictures of my sock drawer and putting our baking ingredients into air proof containers. Oh the excitement!
Hum. I don't see any "lemonade" in the pantry. You are so organized. You'll have to come help me organize mine when we get one. Because I know you'll just have soooo much time on your hands after the baby is born:)
Ooo, I love organizing and purging. I can't imagine you when the nesting stage of pregnancy sets in. That baby will be all set as well as everyone else.
I've seen in older posts that you've been to Asheville. Jason and I are talking about moving someplace warmer and did a survey to find what cities we might like. Asheville was a common city for us. Jason is afraid to move to the Carolinas for fear they will be underwater. I have explained to him that the Carolinas are wide and we could live farther from the coast. LOL! Anyway, do you have any opinions on the town or any other good info? Is it a good place to live and for families?
NC is a great place! We love the Raleigh area and feel we have gotten here in just the nick of time before the cost of living skyrockets. I would definitely say it is better for families than singles (even though for some reason the Oprah show said it was one of hte greatest places for single people. We had to laugh). Charlotte (which is further from the coast!)could be a good place (not sure) but Asheville is an awesome place. I hear it is expensive and I'm not sure what the schools are like but it is a liberal, artsy town with lots of outdoor recreation. We love it out here.
E- I still tell people about you taking a big swig of "lemonade" at our house in the morning and spewing it out. Now you'd find it was some crazy homemade gingerale that sets your nostrils and throat on fire. He is known to tinker with homemade concoctions. Help us Lord.
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