Meet the newest addition to our menagerie. This is Shiloh, Aaron's little barn cat. He brought her home from Shiloh Nursery on a plant excursion and she has been happily residing both at Meredith College and at our house. Aaron takes her to the barn at Meredith to play in his nursery every day and then she usually comes home to hang out with us in the evenings. She is unlike any cat I've met (or I am just used to the decorative pillow that is our Izzy). She comes when called and actually likes riding in the car.

How did the other animals react? This picture sums up Fitzi's relationship with her new sister. She LOVES her! They wrestle constantly and we have to constantly stop Fitzi from dragging Shiloh from room to room by her scruff like a little mother. Shiloh also loves Fitzi and will jump out from behind furniture to bite her back (with affection I think). JoJo and Izzy are fairly indifferent to her.
This makes me want to get another cat! What a cutie. We had to get rid of our George who was relieving himself in an inappropriate location. (We tried very hard to get him to stop). The kids keep asking for another but I keep saying not until Miles is potty trained. Oh, but a sweet cat you have! :-)
I love it that sugar is one thing that makes you happy. Elliot and I are giving up processed sugar for lent and it is soooo hard!
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