Okay, so all of you at least know the news by now but here is a picture at 9-10 weeks or so (we're 14 weeks now). This ultrasound was the most surreal experience. We were not prepared for what we saw in the least. I just assumed you'd see a gelatinous spot that indicated the baby was there but the baby was totally moving arms and legs and turning over. At 9 weeks! We were both stunned into silence. Needless to say it makes it a bit more real and exciting. I even stopped complaining about feeling bad and gaining weight. For about 2 hours.
Telling everyone has been such fun! Some of your reactions have been just hilarious and wonderful and it feels great knowing people are so excited at this very unique time in our lives. Your check-in calls, cards, etc. have been very sweet. It is finally starting to sink in and we are getting more excited. We will be even more excited February 15 when we find out the gender! Keep you posted!
Ahhhh... He/she looks just like you:)
The ultrasound is the coolest thing. The one where you find out the gender is a nice long one. You get to see the spine, heart, legs, all the movement. You can actually tell what they are in the room. Then you get the picture and you are confused. It was a lot of fun!
Wow, congrats! Just saw this post with your news. If you think the ultrasound is cool, wait until you see the actual baby. Nothing prepares you for that! Congrats again on this blessing.
Yes, I was just relieved to see he/she wasn't already 6'4'' like Aaron. Whew.
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