Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jam Session

Our friend Richard had a great idea to make our own strawberry jam this year. We got the gang together to make an assembly line and ended up with enough jam to last us all the year (at least!).

Adorable little jam jars ready for a hot biscuit or vanilla ice cream.

Pergola Party

For those of you who have followed the blog, you're thinking "didn't they have one of these not long ago?". Busted. We tend to have a "party" around building our pergola to line up some strong, able-bodied friends to help us with the heavy lifting while we feed them. Richard simulataneously supervising and eating a lemon square.

This sums up Aaron's attitude by the end of the project!

Gus before deciding the saw made a good tool to play with.


Bear hug from Uncle Richard

MC Amphitheater

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Meredith with Friends

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