Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Aaron's First Post

Aaron's first post... As you can see, the Jeep is getting seriously ready for some summer fun... no doors, no top, no worries. BUT wait, did you see something fly out?? Oops.. better buckle up, double check those cargo pockets, and safely stow your belongings. Stacey doesn't seem to appreciate sudden scavenger hunts involving her credit cards.

It is early peak season at our semi-tropical oasis. Fresh fragrance from our jasmine, nicotiana, and sweetbay magnolia are finding smiles on our faces while we hideaway from the summer's sun. Considering our options for vining vegetation to compliment the nearly finished pergola. Tangerine trumpets with chocolate throats and mocha fragrance are tops the list for the time being.. Possibly some carnivorous climbing beauties with hefty heartshaped foliage.

Ferocious foo dogs to guard the front. We happened upon these impressive little Fitzi's while at the last Palm Society meeting in Beaufort SC.

Will do my best to keep you posted between tending my tropicals and hanging out in my new hammock. -Aaron

Home Improvement

Many of you have requested pics of some of the interior improvements we have made so here they are. We have been able to make some great purchases through our neighbor Carson who has been kind enough to pass on her designer discount, our friend Richard who was also kind enough to pass on his discount at Pottery Barn (the drapes!) as well as take advantage of the perks of living in the furniture capital of the U.S. (I swear I didn't know that when we moved here!) There are great discount houses for all of the major brands in all of these small towns around here. I love a bargain!!

Most of the accessories we have picked up in Charleston and Savannah like the mirrors over the mantel and the drum table next to the chair. You can see Aaron looking at the yard - he gets to decorate that part! Just kidding. I love that he has an opinion about the inside of the house (unless he disagrees with me!) The couch pillows are from Target!!

This is MY chair (don't worry - Aaron has HIS chair,too). I had picked it out in a store in Atlanta but found it at one of the discount stores in NC for hundreds less!!
Aaron had the fun job of hanging these mirrors and he did a great job! You can't see the nail holes where I tried to hang them without him!

This was pure luck. Our friend Carson could have bought this for us with her discount but we found it at a store in Raleigh and it was less than her wholesale price for some reason. I think it was a mistake!

Working Girl

Here is a picture of Fitzi hard at work with her daddy. Everyone at the college knows her by name and loves to see her coming now. Unfortunately our dog-daughter doesn't want to work anymore. When she sees we are ready for work she puts herself in her crate! I guess we'll have to find another way for her to earn her keep. We were comparing pics now with baby pics and can't believe how big she's gotten!

Memorial Weekend

These are pics from our industrious Memorial weekend. We have been wanting to build a pergola over our back patio for some time but Aaron has been very busy with improvements at Meredith College so we got started this past weekend. Again, these pics are a testament to having good neighbors. We had lots of help and between all of our friends - lots of tools! You can see Todd, Richard, and Dwayne pitching in and Aaron posing next to his prized banana tree. My job was to keep the lemonade, beer, and snacks coming and to prepare dinner. Small price to pay! The frame is completely built so we just need to add the rafters to the top. So far it looks great! We will probably finish it this week so we'll post finished pics along with other home improvements soon.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Random Pic To Make You Laugh (Or Not!)

Okay, I feel a little validated about affectionately calling Aaron's Palm Society friends "Plant Nerds". This is a picture of the vehicle of one of the members. At the beginning of the meeting people bring plants to trade and sell. This person decided to display his plants on his sweet ride. He has somehow made his car more aerodynamic (?) by adding heavy duty plastic to the back and what looks like taping styrofoam or board of some sort over the wheel area which you cannot see well in this picture. I'm sure that cuts waaaay down on wind resistance. I don't think I need to say anything else.

Soggy Cinco de Mayo

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo last weekend and unfortunately the weather did not cooperate so we were forced to fiesta inside but as you can tell it didn't dampen our spirits. Aaron andI grilled chicken quesadillas and made pina coladas and margaritas for everyone. We also made everyone Spanish name tags in case you were wondering why everyone is wearing starbursts. Todd (Dogberto) and Kevin (Roberto) are in top pic (Todd is the one in sombrero - he wears this all the time!) Harrison (Javier) was patient as usual while we posed him just to crack ourselves up. He also looks cute wearing a baby toupee of Julie's (Shakira's) hair and breakdancing. Not sure what Richard (Ricard0) was doing in above pic but it cracked me up so it goes in (sorry, Ricardo!). We absolutely love having friends so close who are so much fun to hang out with. It is also important that our friends like Mexican food since we get together for Mexican food every Wednesday night! What awesome neighbors! If anyone else wants to be our neighbor the houses on either side of us are for sale! I hope it wasn't something we said!