Sunday, March 23, 2008

Operation: Nursery

Now that we know we're having a boy, we were able to start the nursery with a vision. Here we are putting together the dresser and crib. It was actually kind of interesting to see how this stuff is put together. Notice protruding belly.

Aaron finally pitching in. Just kidding. Obviously the bulk of construction falls on him. He's used to it. Hey, I'm busy constructing brain stems and elbows and stuff, right?

Aaron found this antique teak bench out at a cool store downtown. Its small enough to be easy for a child to lay on (we're adding a cushion) but comfortable enough for anyone to sit. We plan to put his stuffed animals on it.

Another view

Shiloh's contribution. This is what an active "Barn Cat" does on the weekend. She thinks this bouncer seat from Jeff and Julie was made for her.
Will post more finished pics of nursery later. Definitely a work in progress.


Seasonal Learner said...

The nursery is so much fun. I can't wait to see how yours is going to turn out!

Stacey said...

I'll be curious how it turns out as well! Geez, these kids need lots of stuff. We bought a vintage pull down map off ebay that is still on its mechanical roller that we are hoping to use behind crib. It looks pretty good right now. Aaron's dad is coming down in April to help us paint and add mouldings.