Sunday, September 13, 2009


This weekend we purchased our REI Tagalong carrier for Gus. As we go on more walks and hikes he is starting to feel left out ahead of the pack in his stroller and obviously too heavy to carry. We were thrilled to see how delighted he was to ride on his dada's back. He giggles and chirps the whole way (2 hikes - Shelly and Lynn Lakes in Raleigh). He also likes to wave to passersby and say his favorite word "Hi". It was a great way to exercise, enjoy the season and scenery and expose Gus to nature. I think we'll get lots of use out of this (says the person who doesn't carry the load!)

1 comment:

Sunny said...

I can't wait to see/feel/experience the tag-a-long carrier. Looks like the perfect hiking with a kiddo vehicle.

It's going to be a great fall for getting out in the woods, and now you're ready for it. Off-road, baby!

Enjoy, -Sunny