Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gus Goes Home

Gus and I leaving our air conditioned cocoon in the hospital. Its been very hot this week. This was Gus' first time being outside and mine for 5 days.

Guarding his binky. Amazingly he slept the entire way home and didn't seem to mind the carseat.


Seminole Sooner said...

Hello Stacy, Aaron and August (I mean Gus)

What a handsome young lad. With strong hands like he has, he'll be wrestling those Farmer's Market biscuits from Aaron in no time at all.

This new generation of August, Jacob, Kit and Wylie will be so exciting for the family to watch as they grow. May they all be blessed by the Lord.

Stacey, I love your blog. After reading to the end, I just realized I have been reading your life backwards. It is exciting to see where you are now and where you were in 2007. You and Aaron bring joy to all of us.

Since Brittany will give us access to her facebook account, I'm convinced she needs to start a blog to keep her mom and dad updated on her new life at OU starting next month. We'll never see her.

Love Uncle Mike

Seminole Sooner said...

Let me rephrase. Since Brittany will NOT give us access to her facebook account.......

Seasonal Learner said...

Such a sweet chubby munchkin! TBJ is losing his baby fat and it makes me sad:(

Stacey said...

Hey guys! It was so good and such a surprise to see your comments on the blog! What fun! Its such a great way to keep in touch. Jana visits it as well. I hope things are going well for you guys. Brittany, I know you are going to have such a great time at OU. I know I loved it. I'll get your rec to you ASAP. Life is a bit crazy now since we just got home from the hospital but I'll work on it this week while mom is here to help. Keep checking in!

Baby Jay said...

You and baby look great, healthy and happy! Glad to see you're home from the hospital. He is quite the cutie patutie all snuggled up protecting his binkie. We are thinking of you, love Aime' and Peter

Kristi said...

Congrats on the sweet bundle. Hope you can get in lots of naps and enjoying every waking moment as much as possible. It goes by so fast.