Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Weekend Wonders

Aaron and his dad with Uncle Ben telling family "fishing" stories. Sitting sheltered from the rain on our porch.

No family visit is complete without a trip to the farmer's market. The veg and flowers are at their prime right now. We examined buckets of bright sunflowers, baskets of peppers in every hue, and tables of Southern cakes, hand pies, and brownies.

Love the sign. We didn't believe the chef that ALL of the goods were made with butter so we bought some things. Yep, its all made with lots of butter.

We took the crew to picnic and see "Juno" at the art museum. This is Gus' second movie here. He does a great job of sleeping through the entire movie which is great for mom and dad.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Love the family pix and sunflowerz!

Just getting caught up after a week away, and about to go to Seattle for another weekend away...whew.

Love to all, -Sunessa